Operation: Golds

 Hey DW,

I am making this post to inform the people that were not on chat yesterday about the future change to Golds. On Sunday, I had a PC sent to me by Coff suggesting the idea. I always welcomed a switch to Golds, but I thought no one else wanted to, soon until I found it that many were open to the idea.

Now you may be asking, “why should we switch to Golds?” or “why should we ruin DW?”

Let me address you by answering these questions right now.

The time it would take for me to redo the whole DW site would be the same as me making a Golds site. Not only do I have a perfectly working historic Golds site, but we also have xat.com/golds thanks to Flo.

DW is dieing right now. Without a competitive website, we are practically nothing. Not only does this change help us with our recruiting, but it also brings a sense of history back to CP Warfare. DW used to be Golds, if some of you remember. I actually met Saw and future DW HOFers as a Golds member, not a DW member. We were Golds 3 years ago, all we are doing is going back to our old roots. There are far too many Black armies in Club Penguin, why should we be another one of them?

This switch is for the better. This time I made sure the troops were okay with the idea, and they were. If you do not approve of this switch, then the door is right there. You can go join another army.


Just a note, the name Dark Warrior’s will be reserved, and no one may restart it without the permission of Circa. All DW server’s will be transferred to Golds. We would also like to thank all the people who participated in the Dark Warriors. -DW Leaders


It’s me

Champions Cup Group Stage: Battle 1


Hello DW,

Most of you will of already heard that we will be taking part in the CPAC Champions cup. We are in a division with Nachos, SWAT,  and TG. We will play all the armies at some stage ofthe tourny, a win gets you 3 points whereas a draw gets you 1 point and a lose gets you 0. The two armies who have the most points will progress to the Quarter final, then the semi final and then of course the final. We cannot afford to slip up or under-estimate anybody in this tourny as we will be aiming to win the cup. Believe. We will be facing the TG (Team Gold) first.


 ❗ Dark Warriors vs Team Gold

Klondike, Dock

7pm UK, 3pm EST, 2pm CST, 1pm MST, 12pm PST, 6am AUS(Sydney, Monday, March 12th)



Tactics Session!

Where: Sherbet

When: Sunday, March 11th


11pm UK, 6pm EST, 5pm CST, 4pm MST, 3pm PST, 10am AUS(Monday for Aus)

Putting on High Gears

Hello Dark Warriors,

The Dark Warriors will be preparing for an upcoming war, that has no reasoning behind it because of a ”corrupt” leader, who insults us, for not doing anything. We helped this army in the past, so I can tell it was just to take advantage.

I’m now going to my best effort into this as much as I can, I’m planning on getting all DW legends to return, at least most of them. I’m putting on my high gears, and this war won’t be easy DW. We’ll do everything win it, there will be operations that will make DW succeed. I have made operations in past generations, and all of them have gotten DW to 40+. This will be the bestest DW generation you will ever see, and like I said this isn’t over.

There is more to come to this generation, with more prosperity. Get ready, Dark Warriors. For a long journey. 😉


DW Leader


What was that, CPAC?

Hello DW

Today we had a unschedueled training session, maxing 25 and averaging 20+. Our tactics were decent and we did a solid job overall. Here’s some of the pics.

Line at the forts

Farts in line :mrgreen:

Mad faces in line

Jbomb the forts


DW Restoration

Hello Dark Warriors,

We’re working hard on restoring all the pages and posts deleted by Fallen. I don’t know why would he does this to us considering he has helped us a lot during my time being here. From now on, I’ll be saving a copy of DW’s site every day if this happens again in the future. I’ll be paying attention more, and provide a safe site.

For now, go to our temporary chat: xat.com/dwtemp and be patient until the whole site is restored. I believe the new posts won’t be restored, since no cache have our site cached at a recent date.


DW Leader

Medals/Help improve DW

Hello DW,

Last week I posted about tactics and after seeing recent events I now can say that we have improved greatly on tactics. So now that we’ve done that, it’s time to move on to more advanced stuff. Some of you might have noticed the new page named “medals” You can earn medals by going to any scheduled event, you can buy things with your medals. Here’s an example, if I went to an invasion and got 3 medals for attending then I could use those 3 medals to buy something like a chat avatar. You can also save you medals up for a promotion at the end of the month, think of it as a currency. The medals page will be up and running within a few days, to get your medals you must comment under the results post of that event.

We like to know what you guys want, so if you have a suggestion that could improve DW please comment under this post and tell us. If your suggestion is good enough then we will consider placing it in effect.

UMA beaten to a pulp

Just read Np3000 (the UMA leaders post) and then come back and read this one.

We destroyed UMA, destroyed isn’t the word. It’s beyond that. UMA kept running and running but we chased them and they eventually logged off. The main point is, Alaska is ours. Let the pictures do the talking. We averaged 25+ and maxed 30+


To the Doritos

EDIT: Look what your “amazing allies” had to say ACP


Hello DW,

Wwebestfan (the goof) has been saying we “steal” troops, this is completely lies to get ACP on their side as the DCP cannot take us 1v1. I don’t know where he got these reports from but all he did was make himself look out to be a complete hypocrite. He stolen El Rey and Anon from us, I told him this and he said “we didn’t steal them they came to us” Well your former troops did the same so we didn’t steal your troops and if you want to continue this then please supply proof of us telling somebody from your army or IW’s to join. SaW wanted El rey back as he was a valuable troop and was close to mod, that’s why he pc’d him. Even if DW did bribe (which we don’t) you took bribes and modded people on chat who paid you xats therefore making you a hypocrite. Also Wwebestfan seems to get excited over a raid which he didn’t even win, he saw that all the owners on chat were away so he decided to raid us, once me, Puf and Venom came on they decided to log off like cowards. Since you logged off first we won, making it 5/5 wins for DW.

The Alliance Wins!

Hello DW

Today we decided to go against LT, reasons for this include LT not helping us and our brother army, The Nachos changing sides also. We started off by going on Alpine, where we would max 30 soldiers and average 20-25. Alpine soon became full as other armies logged in, we then changed to Klondike. We did the same as we did on Alpine, only our tactics were much better. The tactics post I recently made surely played a part in this. We also smashed chat records today, getting 45+ on chat which was the most out of all armies.

On Alpine we went to the Snow Forts, due to a mis-understanding we attacked UMA and even though it wasn’t a good thing, I thought our tactics were 10/10 when we were attacking UMA. After this we went to the Town as Icey requested help, only to be met by a huge joke bomb by IW and ACP, we thought this wasn’t need so we reacted badly, we are still in the alliance though. Here’s some pictures:



Also here’s a picture I made for DCP, our war isn’t over.

