Introducing to all DW Soldiers…

Most people already know, because I already made an announcement on chat about making this special force. Most of you don’t understand how this will function, so I will explain how it will in this post. Being part of Dark Ops force of the Dark Warriors is a privilege.

The Dark Ops team will be a Navy Seal like thing from real life. This force will include the most experienced, trained, specialized, and intelligent soldiers of the Dark Warriors. We pick out our best troops for this team from all forces: North American, Australian, Asian and European.

This team will carry out many missions… secret chat spying, raiding servers, practice advanced tactics, invade a server at the same time at a defence, and much more.

To get in the Dark Ops you will have to be the most focused, intelligent, and extremely active warrior in our military. Dark Ops forces will train every three days.
The Dark Ops will have a total of 9 members.
A list of Dark Ops warriors and a page is coming soon!

DW Leader

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